Thursday, March 10, 2011

The "Walk-In" Closet Will Never Be the Same...

"House Hunters"  on HGTV is my not-so-secret addiction. The sheer fun of guessing which of the three houses they will pick is enough to keep me occupied for hours upon hours. Although I enjoy spouting out my opinion and usually criticism of the home's decor... I am usually sold on the "walk-in" closet. This is EVERY girl's dream (if you say it isn't then you are seriously lying to yourself). I have heard myself say a few times, "I could live in that closet!" .... Which brings me to my next point. Could you live in a walk-in closet? What if that walk-in closet was your entire house and was only about 450 square feet? Can you spare an extra 4 minutes? Good. I think you will really be intrigued by this video! (The video won't embed, so follow the link below!)

It is truly amazing what can be done with such a small space. Even though I would love to see this "Closet House" in person, I think my claustrophobia would get the best of me! What if you were in the bedroom and the mechanical system that opened the room up failed and you were stuck in a crammed space? I would probably pass out! I think this space is used to the utmost efficiency, however, and could possibly be a trend that catches on in rapidly-growing cities such as Tokyo and New York. Though the up-front cost may be a large investment, I think the overall utilization of the small space can prove to be invaluable. This unique space has caught quite a bit of attention on the internet, and I am sure that this will not be the last time we see a space like this!



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